Channeling is the art of communication with divine beings, and it requires firm foundation and training to be clear and clean channel with divine protection. 

YOKO has been trained in the Advanced Channeling School with the lineage of King Salomon to bring down the Interstellar energy for the New Paradigm.  

You will meet Master Aethena that YOKO channel under the protection of the Hierarchy of Light.  Master Aethena is an Ancient Being who has strong connection with Unicorns and is a member of the Shamballah Council to usher the New Paradigm - the New Shamballah.  Her Mission to bring Duality into Unity through her gifts of Wisdom and Purification.  

You are invited to experience the energy of True Channeling that opens up the gate of Divinity - In this group experience, Yoko will guide you through healing meditation with Unicorn Goddess and offer you a Short channeling message.

If you wish to explore deeper guidance and clarity, Personal Channeling Session is highly recommended!


  • Erin Wallace

    It was a dream come true to have Yoko Maria come to town to share her gift of channeling Master Aethena- Unicorn Goddess in MMS Northern California. Yoko and I have been close friends for years and have a passion for Shamballah and the Magickal beings. So much was said with words but the energy said it all!

  • Jordan Bain

    Yoko is a highly trained channel with the Mystery School's 5-year channeling school in Japan. This amazing experience profoundly attunes your consciousness to the energy of the Goddess, Mother Earth, and the unity of all beings to create heaven on Earth.

  • Tara

    Be you, be love, & flow! Grateful for this event

  • Katie O.

    High vibrational energy is right! It was otherworldly, I had to go eat a big meal to come back down :)

  • Genevieve

    Grateful to Yoko Maria for sharing her joyful Unicorn energy with all of us in Minnesota! This channeling event gave us all a great gift with the energy and message that came through. May we take these words to heart!

  • Dawn R.

    I’m back from a whirlwind trip to the Bay Area. I really wanted to go to the Interstellar Channeling With Yoko event from the moment it was announced. But I was on the fence about making a trip up for it.

    Then a long time dear friend in Northern California called and said she wanted to work with me. How could we make that happen? Well that was the deciding factor because my Life Activation wand and I had an important mission!

    So in two days I had the honor of giving a Life Activation to an amazing individual, attending this incredible interstellar event, and receiving an advanced healing session myself.

    I feel totally renewed and released of a burden that’s been holding me back my entire life. It’s still amazing to me after years of experiencing this work how quickly we can shift in a short period of time with the tools of this lineage.

Meet Your channel

Purity, Clarity, and Refinement

YOKO is a natural-born Psychic and professional Channel in the Mystery School Tradition.  She is highly trained in the Lineage for 20 years and is the only Graduate of Interstellar Channeling School with MMS in the Western World.  She also speaks 4 languages and have lived in UK, France, Italy, Japan, and now lives in NYC.  Her international background of Experience and Knowledge gained in both East and West offer deep and unique way of Service on Human Mind.  

Her gift and experience of communication through verbal and non-verbal, allows her to access and connect with all the different spectrums of Human Awareness - Elemental Conscious - Masters of Light Conscious - Angelic Conscious - Galactic Conscious - Divine Conscious that reside within a human being.  

The Frequency she brings comes through many different layers and depth, which you may feel uncomfortable, but it happens when the higher frequency is trying to penetrate through the stagnation of the Mind Clutter, and eventually it breaks through the blockage in your mind to breakthrough. As Master Aethena has a strong connection with the Unicorns, she purifies your soul and refine your mind to bring clarity with the Hermetic rays.